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Online Registration

Step 1of 5 - About yourself

About yourself

About yourself completed

Service details

Service details completed

Contact details

Contact details completed

Review agreement

Review agreement completed

Your summary

Your summary completed

1. About yourself

All form fields are required unless marked optional.

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How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe yourself?

I have an NDIS plan and want to sign up for Plan Management

I’m a ‘Plan Nominee’ for an NDIS participant and would like to sign them up for Plan Management.

I’m a Support Coordinator and would like to sign up an NDIS participant I am supporting for Plan Management.

A bit about you

A bit about you

A bit about you

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on your NDIS plan

About the NDIS participant you are registering for Plan Management

About the NDIS participant you are registering for Plan Management

About the NDIS participant you are registering for Plan Management

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

2. Service details & eligibility

All form fields are required unless marked optional.

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Are you coming from another Plan Manager?

Is the NDIS participant coming from another Plan Manager?

Are you coming from another Plan Manager?

Is the NDIS participant coming from another Plan Manager?

Is the NDIS participant coming from another Plan Manager?

What is your current plan manager's business name?

What is the participant’s current plan manager’s business name?

What is your current plan manager's business name?

What is the participant’s current plan manager’s business name?

What is the participant’s current plan manager’s business name?

Please provide the plan manager's business name

Have you endorsed Plan Tracker as your Plan Manager with the NDIS?

Have you endorsed Plan Tracker as the participant's Plan Manager with the NDIS?

This only applies to you if the participants current NDIS plan started after 30 October 2023 as part of the new NDIS computer system (PACE).


Have you endorsed Plan Tracker as your Plan Manager with the NDIS?

Have you endorsed Plan Tracker as the participant's Plan Manager with the NDIS?

Have you endorsed Plan Tracker as the participant's Plan Manager with the NDIS?

This only applies to you if your current NDIS plan started after 30 October 2023 as part of the new NDIS computer system (PACE).

This only applies to you if the participant's current NDIS plan started after 30 October 2023 as part of the new NDIS computer system (PACE).

This only applies to you if the participant's current NDIS plan started after 30 October 2023 as part of the new NDIS computer system (PACE).

Helpful tip - Endorsing Plan Tracker as your Plan Manager Helpful tip - Endorsing Plan Tracker as your Plan Manager Helpful tip - Endorsing Plan Tracker as your Plan Manager

Please make sure that you contact the NDIA on 1800 800 110, your Local Area Coordinator (LAC), NDIS contact, or early childhood partner after completing your application to endorse Plan Tracker as your Plan Manager.

Participants are required to endorse Plan Tracker as their Plan Manager before we are able to finalise their registration.

Visit our page on Endorsing Plan Tracker with the NDIS with the NDIS for more information, or feel free to chat with us and we can guide you through the process!

Does your NDIS plan include Plan Management?

Does the participant’s NDIS plan include Plan Management?

This information can be found under Capacity Building Support - Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices

Does your NDIS plan include Plan Management?

Does the participant’s NDIS plan include Plan Management?

Does the participant’s NDIS plan include Plan Management?

This information can be found under Capacity Building Support - Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices

This information can be found under Capacity Building Support - Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices

This information can be found under Capacity Building Support - Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices

Help with finding Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices on my NDIS plan Help with finding Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices on my NDIS plan Help with finding Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices on my NDIS plan

How to find Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices, on your NDIS plan.

Option 1: Using your NDIS plan, Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices can be found under Capacity Building .

Option 2: Alternatively, you can use your NDIS myplace portal. Simply select the ‘My Plan’ tile on the home page and then select ‘View My Plan’.

Example of your plan:

Help with finding Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices on the participant’s NDIS Plan Help with finding Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices on the participant’s NDIS Plan Help with finding Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices on the participant’s NDIS Plan

How to find Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices, on the participant’s NDIS plan.

Option 1: Using the participant’s NDIS plan, Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices can be found under Capacity Building Supports.

Option 2: Alternatively, you can use the participant’s NDIS myplace portal. Simply select the ‘My Plan’ tile on the home page and then select ‘View My Plan’.

Example of your plan:

Helpful tip - Eligibility for Plan Management Helpful tip - Eligibility for Plan Management Helpful tip - Eligibility for Plan Management

To be eligible for Plan Management you need to have Plan Management funding stated on your NDIS plan under Capacity Building Support - Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices.

To learn more about being funded for Plan Management please visit navigating your NDIS journey.

If this is something that you’re unsure about, continue registering and we will look into this for you. We’ll reach out to you if we have any questions.

Eligibility for Plan Management
To be eligible for Plan Management you need to have Plan Management funding stated on your NDIS plan under Capacity Building Support - Choice and Control or Improved Life Choices.
To learn more about being funded for Plan Management please visit navigating your NDIS journey .
Want to talk with us first?
If there’s something you’re unsure about, or you have a question about NDIS Plan Management or Plan Tracker, fill out your details below and we’ll be in touch shortly.

Participant consent

Participant consent

Do you have consent from the NDIS participant to register for services provided by Plan Tracker on their behalf?

Participant consent

Do you have consent from the NDIS participant to register for services provided by Plan Tracker on their behalf?

Do you have consent from the NDIS participant to register for services provided by Plan Tracker on their behalf?

Do you have consent from the NDIS participant to register for services provided by Plan Tracker on their behalf?

Do you have consent from the NDIS participant to register for services provided by Plan Tracker on their behalf?

Documentation of consent

Upload a copy of consent form : (Optional)

Providing a copy of the consent that you have with the NDIS participant assists us in knowing that you have permission to act on their behalf.

Please feel free to download this handy Consent form that we have created to support your service with us.

You can skip this step if you don’t have these forms handy. If you’d prefer you can also email a copy of consent to -

Uploaded NDIS Plan

Uploaded NDIS Plan

Uploaded NDIS Plan

Drag & Drop or Upload a copy of you NDIS plan
Maximum file size 5Mb
NDIS participant consent required
To sign up on behalf of the NDIS participant. you need to have either an active service agreement with the participant or have consent provided by the NDIS participant to act on their behalf.
Please feel free to download and complete this handy Consent form.
Once you have consent from the NDIS participant then you can register the participant on their behalf.
If this something that you are unsure about, or you have a question you can chat with us using the Chat with an Expert featured in the bottom right hand corner.

How did you hear about Plan Tracker ?

How did you hear about Plan Tracker ?

How did you hear about Plan Tracker ?

How did you hear about Plan Tracker ?

How did you hear about Plan Tracker ?

How did you hear about Plan Tracker ?

3. What are your details?

All form fields are required unless marked optional.

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Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on your NDIS plan

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

3. What are your details?

3. What are your details?

3. What are your details?

Relationship to participant

Relationship to participant

Relationship to participant

Your contact details

Your contact details

Your contact details

Please include area code

Please include area code

Please include area code

Phone number:

Please include area code

Incl. apartment, suite, unit number or P.O. Box

Incl. apartment, suite, unit number or P.O. Box

Incl. apartment, suite, unit number or P.O. Box

Use address lookup


Personal details

Participants personal details

Participants personal details

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with you.

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

Preferred name: (optional)

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on your NDIS plan

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

Please fill out all the fields below as they appear on the participant’s NDIS plan

Participant personal details

Participant personal details

Participant personal details

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

Contact details

NDIS participant’s contact details

NDIS participant’s contact details

Preferred Name: (optional)

This is the name you want us to use when we speak with the participant.

Please include area code

Please include area code

Please include area code

Incl. apartment, suite, unit number or P.O. Box

Incl. apartment, suite, unit number or P.O. Box

Incl. apartment, suite, unit number or P.O. Box

Phone number:

Please include area code

Use address lookup


NDIS details

NDIS details

NDIS details

This is nine (9) digit number is unique to you and can be found on your NDIS plan

This is nine (9) digit number is unique to the participant and can be found on their NDIS plan

This is nine (9) digit number is unique to the participant and can be found on their NDIS plan

Where can I find my NDIS number? Where can I find my NDIS number? Where can I find my NDIS number?

Your nine digit NDIS number can be located in the following places:

  • At the top of your NDIS approval letter (sometimes referred to as the reference number).
  • On the first page or your NDIS plan along with your name.
  • At the bottom in the footer of each page of your NDIS plan.
  • If you do not yet have your NDIS number please reach out to your Local Area Coordinator (LAC).

Where can I find the participant’s NDIS number? Where can I find the participant’s NDIS number? Where can I find the participant’s NDIS number?

The participant’s nine (9) digit NDIS number can be located in the following places:

  • At the top of their NDIS approval letter (sometimes referred to as the reference number). 
  • On the first page or their NDIS plan along with their participant name.
  • At the bottom in the footer of each page of their NDIS plan.
  • If you do not yet have their NDIS number please reach out to their Local Area Coordinator (LAC).

Upload a copies of your NDIS plan: (optional)

Why we need this - providing a copy of your NDIS plan helps us manage your NDIS funding with greater accuracy to ensure you get the most out of your funds.

Plan Tracker is committed to the privacy, dignity and confidentiality of all customers:

  • Your documents will be held securely in accordance with our privacy policy
  • If you’d prefer you can also email a copy of your plan to -
  • You can skip this step if you don’t have your plan handy.

Uploaded NDIS Plan

Uploaded NDIS Plan

Uploaded NDIS Plan

Drag & Drop or Upload a copy of you NDIS plan
Maximum file size 5Mb

Do you have a Support Coordinator?

Does the participant have a Support Coordinator?

Does the participant have a Support Coordinator?

Your NDIS number:

This is nine (9) digit number is unique to the participant and can be found on their NDIS plan

Participant’s NDIS number:

This is nine (9) digit number is unique to the participant and can be found on their NDIS plan

What is a Support Coordinator? What is a Support Coordinator? What is a Support Coordinator?

A Support Coordinator is a support that helps you to make the most out of your NDIS plan by:

  • Helping you understand and use your NDIS plan.
  • Connecting you with providers, community, and mainstream services
  • Building your capacity, confidence and skills to use and coordinate your supports.

If you are eligible for Support Coordination this can be found on your NDIS plan under Capacity-Building Supports - Support Coordination.

To learn more about Support Coordination and how to receive Support Coordination as part of your NDIS plan you can visit our Plan Tracker FAQs

Does the participant have a nominee?

Does the participant have a nominee?

Does the participant have a nominee?

Nominee details

Nominee details

Nominee details

Do you have a Support Coordinator?

Does the participant have a Support Coordinator?

Relationship to participant:

Relationship to participant:

Relationship to participant:

Please provide one of the following contact numbers

Please include area code

Please include area code

Please include area code

4. Review our Service Agreement

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This agreement provides an outline of the services we will be delivering to you (the participant) as your Plan Manager, as well as the terms and conditions of these services.

This agreement provides an outline of the services we will be delivering to you (the participant) as your Plan Manager, as well as the terms and conditions of these services.

This agreement provides an outline of the services we will be delivering to you (the participant) as your Plan Manager, as well as the terms and conditions of these services.

Terms we use in this agreement

Please find below an explanation of the terms used in this Service Agreement.

Approved Persons

The group of individuals, service providers and/or companies who provide the funded services and supports referred to in your Plan from time-to-time.


NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme as established by the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth). The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency, which runs the NDIS.

Plan Tracker

Plan Tracker Pty Ltd is a Registered Provider of Supports under the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (Cth). In this Service Agreement, we are referred to as ‘Plan Tracker’.


Plan means the written NDIS Plan developed with you and on your behalf by the National Disability Insurance Agency or their delegate (for example, your local area coordinator).


The person for whom the Plan has been developed.

Our Services

Plan Management delivered by Plan Tracker.

Plan Management

The Plan Management Services delivered by Plan Tracker. The NDIS refer to this service as‘Improved Life Choices’ in your NDIS Plan.


The online identity verification and authentication system that allows a person to securely access government online services known as the Provider Digital Access.

Service Providers

The services delivered by other service providers.

Start Date

The date you sign this Service Agreement. If you are filling out this Service Agreement online, the Start Date is the date you tick the ‘I accept the terms of this Service Agreement’ box when you submit the form online to us.

Authority to Obtain and Release Information

I authorise Plan Tracker, and all employees of Plan Tracker registered with PRODA, to act on my behalf to obtain and release information from the NDIA and its representatives for the purpose of providing Plan Tracker's plan management services. I authorise Plan Tracker and its employees to
obtain and release information from the Approved Persons for the purpose of providing Plan Tracker's plan management services. This authority is in effect from the Start Date until the Service Agreement is terminated in accordance with Term 3. I am aware that I can amend or cancel this
authority at any time.

General terms

Term 1: Agreement

This Service Agreement is between Plan Tracker and you, our customer.

Duration of Agreement

The Service Agreement commences on the Commencement Date and will continue until either you, or Plan Tracker, terminates it in accordance with this Service Agreement.

This Service Agreement describes each of our rights and responsibilities. It is important you understand that:

  • Your Plan may be different from the details recorded in the NDIS portal;
  • Plan Tracker will provide Plan Management services according to the details recorded in the NDIS portal;
  • Plan Tracker will verify the records in the NDIS portal and advise you by email or phone if they are different to the details in your Plan;
  • Plan Tracker will seek payment for Our Services directly from the NDIA;
  • Plan Tracker will automatically renew your Plan Management services with Plan Tracker following each plan review. If you do not want this Service Agreement to be an ongoing agreement, you may contact us at any time.

Rights of Plan Tracker

You agree to:

Plan Tracker contacting the NDIA and Service Providers, and collecting, using and disclosing your personal information (including sensitive health information) in the course of providing Our Services to you. For more information about how we collect, use and disclose your personal information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. We can provide you with a copy by contacting our Customer Care Team or visiting our website (which can be found at

  • Plan Tracker making administrative arrangements to allow your service providers to be paid from your NDIS funds on your behalf;
  • Plan Tracker accessing your plan to provide you with the Plan Management Services you have chosen;
  • Plan Tracker discussing your NDIS plan with the NDIA and its delegates (such as local area coordinators);
  • Plan Tracker discussing with service providers about Service Providers that have been, or will be, delivered by them, with your consent;
  • Plan Tracker providing you with Plan Management in line with the terms set out in this Service Agreement;
  • Plan Tracker automatically renewing your Plan Management following each plan review (unless you tell us not to); and
  • Being interviewed and have your records reviewed by a third party accreditation and legislative body if required for auditing.

Term 2: Responsibilities of Plan Tracker

During the term of this Service Agreement, Plan Tracker will:

  • Protect your privacy and confidential information in accordance with Plan Tracker Privacy Policy (which can be found at
  • Communicate openly and honestly in a timely manner
  • Treat you with courtesy and respect
  • Consult you on decisions about how supports are provided
  • Review the provision of supports with you periodically or upon request
  • Provide Plan Management services that meet your needs and are in accordance with service descriptions as per the NDIS Price Guide, the amount funded by your plan and in a manner consistent with all relevant laws, including the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 and rules, and the Australian Consumer Law
  • Liaise with the NDIA about your plan when necessary
  • Keep accurate up-to-date records on the supports provided to you
  • Give you information about managing any complaints or disagreements and details of the Provider’s cancellation policy (if relevant)
  • Listen to your feedback and resolve problems quickly give you the required notice if the Provider needs to end the Service Agreement (see ‘Term 3: Termination’ below for more information).

Term 3: Termination and indemnity for Fraud

You, or Plan Tracker, may terminate this Service Agreement at any time, for any reason. However, a minimum of seven (7) days prior notice of a termination must be given in writing or by phone if written notice cannot be provided by Plan Tracker to you. This notice period will be waived if the termination is the result of a serious breach of this Service Agreement by either Party, including, without limitation, any fraud committed by you or your nominee. To the extent that you or your nominee have committed any fraud in relation to this Service Agreement, you agree to indemnify Plan Tracker, its related bodies corporate and any of its personnel (those indemnified), and will hold them harmless from and against, all actions, claims, charges, costs (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis), expenses, losses, damages and other liability that those indemnified pays, suffers or incurs, directly or indirectly, as a result or in connection with any unlawful, wilful or fraudulent act or omission of you or your nominee in connection with this Service Agreement.

If you notify us that you want to terminate this Service Agreement Plan Tracker will:

  • Promptly notify the NDIA; and
  • The service providers providing supports to you under your Plan, that we will no longer be providing Plan Management for you once the 7-day notice period is up. We will also notify them we will only accept claims for payment up to the end date of this Service Agreement.

Term 4: Feedback, complaints and disputes

Plan Tracker welcomes your feedback and has a complaint policy to ensure that your concerns are addressed. This feedback helps us to continually improve our level of customer service.

To give Plan Tracker feedback, you can contact us on 1800 549 670 or via email or online at If you reside in Western Australia, contact the Health and Disability Services Complaints Office on 1800 813 583 or visit

If your complaint or dispute is not resolved to your satisfaction you can contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission by calling 1800 035 544, visiting one of their offices in person, or visiting for further information.

If you would like support giving your feedback, we encourage you to seek support from family, a friend or an independent advocate. The Disability Advocacy Finder can help you find independent advocacy services near you (

We encourage any person to report incidents of unsafe or poor quality services and supports, or if people are at risk of harm in connection with our Services and Supports.

To protect our Participants and in line with NDIS guidelines, a report will be made to the Quality and Safeguards Commission on any incident that is deemed to come under the NDIS Commission’s Mandatory Reporting Requirements.

Term 5: Responsibilities of You or Your Nominee

You agree to the below:

  • Inform Plan Tracker about how you wish the supports to be delivered to meet your needs.
  • Treat Plan Tracker, its staff and suppliers with courtesy and respect.
  • Discuss with Plan Tracker any concerns you may have to adhere to the agreed timeframes for the review and approval of submitted invoices.
  • Give Plan Tracker the required notice (being a minimum of seven (7) days if you wish to terminate the Service Agreement (see ‘Term 3: Termination’ above for more information).
  • Let Plan Tracker know immediately if your NDIS plan is suspended or replaced by a new NDIS plan or you stop being a Participant in the NDIS.
  • Where possible, provide electronic invoices. (In order to provide an efficient service, Plan Tracker utilises automated invoice reading and therefore cannot accept handwritten invoices. Plan Tracker can provide a sample invoice layout in Microsoft Word, if required).
  • Provide Plan Tracker with a copy of any updated or revised plan as soon as reasonably possible.

Term 6: Managing your Budget

Plan Tracker agrees that:

  • We will assist you with budgeting and provide you or your nominee with tools to assist with budgeting, including regular reporting on your spending via the Plan Tracker app & our week-at-a-glance emails. However, as the NDIS participant/nominee, it is your responsibility to ensure spending is within the budgets outlined in your NDIS plan.
  • If we receive an invoice that is unable to be claimed due to insufficient funding remaining in your NDIS plan, we will endeavour to inform both yourself and the provider of the unsuccessful claim. You will then need to make alternative payment arrangements between yourself and the provider for the outstanding invoice.

Term 7: Goods and services tax (GST)

For the purposes of GST legislation, the Parties confirm that:

  • A supply of supports under this Service Agreement is a supply of one or more of the reasonable and necessary supports specified in the statement included, under subsection 33(2) of the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act), in the Participant’s NDIS plan currently in effect under section 37 of the NDIS Act;
  • Your NDIS plan is expected to remain in effect during the period the supports are provided;
  • You will immediately notify Plan Tracker if the NDIS Plan is replaced by a new plan or you stop being a Participant in the NDIS; and
  • Goods and services tax (GST) may be payable even if the provider is not a registered service provider with the NDIA. If so, the GST payable will be funded by your plan.

Term 8: Electronic Invoice Reading

In order to provide an efficient service, Plan Tracker utilises automated invoice reading. Plan Tracker can provide a sample invoice layout in Microsoft Word, if required.

Term 9: Changes to this Service Agreement

If changes to the supports or their delivery are required, the Parties agree to discuss and review this Service Agreement. The Parties agree that any changes to this Service Agreement will be in writing, signed, and dated by the Parties.

Term 10: Marketing

You agree that:

  • You will receive direct marketing from us unless you request otherwise;
  • You can contact us at any time to let us know you no longer wish to receive direct marketing material from us.

Term 11: Plan Management Terms

Plan Tracker will process payment on your behalf for Service Providers from your plan, provided that:

  • The support provider supplies a tax invoice that is within the guidelines of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) and the NDIS;
  • The supports are consistent with your current plan and service agreements or with other instructions you have provided;
  • Goods and services tax (GST) may be payable even if the provider is not a registered service provider with the NDIA. If so, the GST payable will be funded by your plan; and
  • Claims for payment of the services with the NDIA are successful.

Term 12: Governing Laws

This Service Agreement is governed by the law of New South Wales and each party irrevocably and unconditionally submits to the exclusive jurisdiction the courts of New South Wales.

5. Summary of your registration

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Please carefully check the information below.

Please carefully check the information below.

Please carefully check the information below.

When you are ready, click submit registration and we'll take care of the rest.

When you are ready, click submit registration and we'll take care of the rest.

When you are ready, click submit registration and we'll take care of the rest.

 1.  About yourself

 2.  Plan management details

 3.  Personal information

4. Service Agreement

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