Knowledge Database

Self Management App FAQs

Self Management App - Closing Down FAQS

Why is the Plan Tracker Self-management app closing? 

At Plan Tracker, we’re proud of how far we’ve come, from starting out in the early stages of the NDIS as a self-management app in 2016, to helping thousands of participants and their families plan and track their NDIS funds today.  A lot has changed in the market over the years and with so many advances in technology, we’ve had to make the tough decision to close our self-management app.    

Can I still access my app? 

Yes, you will still be able to access and download your data up until 28 June. 

What about the annual fee I pay? 

If you’ve paid for your subscription in advance, any remaining fees will be refunded back to you before 17th May, 2024. 

Do I need to do anything? 

Please make sure you access and download your data before 28 June, just follow these steps to download your data. 

Are there other self-management app options? 

Yes, if you’re still interested in self-managing your plan, the ‘My NDIS’ app is a great alternative to the Plan Tracker self-management app. You can make claims and upload receipts directly through the app, as well as track progress of payment and see your current plan.   

Find out more about the My NDIS mobile app here 

How do I download my data?   

We have created a handy online guide to take you step by step through the download process. Please scroll down to the Download your data from the Plan Tracker Self-Management App section below.

Can I also download all my attachments (invoices uploaded)?   

Yes, the download will include uploaded documents.   

What do I do with my data?   

The data you download is yours to keep and use as you wish. You may also be able to move it to another application that accepts data import from our system, depending on their requirements and specifications.  

Is there a way to transfer all of my data to another app?   

Every application is different, so please check with your new application provider if they support importing data from our system. You may need to convert the data into a compatible format before transferring it. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you.  

Will I be able to log in after the end of June?   

As our system will be shut down after 28th June, you will not be able to log in. We recommend that you download your data as soon as possible and save it to a secure location. You can access the download feature from your dashboard by clicking on the “Export Data” button. You will need your password to complete the process. Please note that the download feature will only be available until 28th June, so don’t delay.  

If I have trouble downloading the data, who do I ask for help?   

Please contact our Customer Care Team via [email protected] or call 1800 549 670. 

Can you download it for me and send it to me on a USB stick / email it to me?   

We are not able to send your data via email or USB stick. We recommend that you download it from the Plan Tracker portal directly before 28th June and store it securely on your own device or cloud service. 

What if I miss the deadline for downloading the data?   

If you miss the deadline, you will lose your data permanently.  

As we will be decommissioning our infrastructure after 28th June, you will not be able to access your data. Please make sure you download it as soon as possible and store it in a safe location.  

Will you keep copies just in case?   

No, we will not keep any copies of your data after the deadline. We are required to remove your data under the privacy law once the service is ceased. This means that we cannot recover your data even if you request it later. Therefore, it is your responsibility to download your data before 28th June and keep it secure. 

How long do I have to download my data?   

The deadline for downloading your data is 28th June. This is the final date, and we will not extend it under any circumstances. Please make sure to download your data before this date, as you will not be able to access it afterwards. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.  

How long does it take to download?   

The time it takes will depend on how big your data is and how fast your internet is.    

When will I receive my refund?   

If you’ve paid for your subscription in advance, any remaining fees will be refunded back to you before 17th May, 2024. 

You gave me a refund, do I need to pay back to the NDIS? I already claimed it from my plan?   

You might need to give back the funds to the NDIS if you have used your NDIS funding to pay the subscription. You can talk to NDIS about your specific situation on 1800 800 110.  

What bank details do you need?   

For the refund, we require your bank account name, BSB and account number. We might ask for more proof of identity from you to make sure we transfer to the right account. 

Download your data from the Self-Management App

Login to your account at 

Choose a Plan 

Click on the button “Details” and once the panel slides out click on the button “Plan List.” 

The screen will then display a list of plans. You will need to export each plan, one at a time. 

Select one Plan  


Export Supports  

Once a plan is selected, find the email support button and click.

If you want uploaded documents included, click the check box as shown in diagram below and then click the “Email report” button 

Export Invoice 

If you would also like to export invoice data, select the invoice option from the left-hand menu, find the “Email report” button and click.  

If you want uploaded documents included, click the check box as in the diagram below and then click the “Email report” button

5 Data is emailed to you 

You will receive an email with your data. In both cases you will receive an email that will look like this, which includes a link to click:  

Click the link in the email to download the zip file containing your data and save it.

If you need support, please contact our Customer Care team on 1800 549 670 between 9.30am – 5.00pm Monday – Friday.

Self Management MOBILE
Adding a New Participant

Clicking on the menu on the top left corner opens a drop down menu 

Select SWITCH PARTICIPANT then click on the ADD button.

You will then be guided through the same setup process as when you first started using Plan Tracker.

You will receive the first month subscription free for each new participant. You may use the same credit card as you already have registered or you may add a different credit card. This is especially helpful if you have a separate card for each person’s NDIA bank account.  If your new participant has NDIS funding allocated under the Plan Management category please contact us so we can arrange direct billing from the NDIA.

Android - Clearing the Plan Tracker App Cache

If you find the Plan Tracker app opens with a blank screen and a single button then it’s likely you can sort this out by clearing the cache on your phone.  The steps are outlined below.

If you find this doesn’t solve your issue please get in contact with us on 1800 549 670 or [email protected]

Here are the steps to clear your cache on an Android Phone:

1.Open Settings

2. Find App Management or Applications

3. Search for Plan Tracker (plan should be enough)

4. Open the Plan Tracker app settings


5. Click on the clear data and clear cache links / buttons.  This  is safe to do and will NOT clear all your plan and invoicing data since that’s held in the Cloud not on your phone.  


  1. Close and reopen the Plan Tracker app
Edit Your Budgets

You can find your budget categories in “Part 3 My Supports” of your NDIS Plan Document.  If you realise you need to correct your Support Budgets after first entering them into Plan Tracker, you can edit from your Dashboard screen.

1. Click on Info

2. Click on EDIT


4. This will bring you to the Support Budget Areas page where you can edit your previously entered budget amounts or add new budget categories.

5. Click in the ‘Select a Category’ box to activate the drop down menu. 

6. Choose from the remaining Support Categories.

7. Optional: enter any past spending

 8. Then click NEXT

9. Optional: Enter any predicted future spending

10. Then click Next

11. Click Save and Complete


Ending a Plan and Adding a New Plan

If your plan has ended you can add the dates for your new plan and enter your new budgets.

1. Open the Home – Info screen and click on END PLAN

2. Confirm you would like to end the plan by clicking END


4. Enter the new plan dates

Getting started with our Self-Management App

Getting started with our self-management app is quick and easy. Simply follow this link on a DESKTOP/LAPTOP computer and click the ‘Register with Email’ button (shown below) to create your new account.

You will receive a Plan Tracker Registration email to your inbox.  You must click the VERIFY button/link to activate your account.

Once you have verified your account, you can now login to begin setting up your first participant.

Choose 1 if it is only your own personal NDIS plan

Choose 2 if is not your own plan.  Instead a family member, friend or client

Choose 3 if it is both, your own plan & someone else’s

Then enter in participant details

Use the drop-down menu to choose the support areas that you’ve been allocated on your plan.

(You will find these in “Part 3 My Supports” within your NDIS plan document)

Then add the full $$ amount given under this support. Then add the full $$ amount given under this support. For Core supports total all items as one amount and select which core items you have been allocated. Later when tracking your actual supports you will be able to select the specific core support category for that support eg Assistance with Daily Life.

Have you begun to use your plan already?  This is where you enter the total amount you’ve spent, within each area.

Then you can view all your support areas in a graph format.  Showing what you’ve already spent in light green,  what your PLANNED SPENDING is in dark green.  Any remaining funds (UNASSIGNED BUDGET) is displayed as a broken green outline. 

iOS - Clearing the Plan Tracker App Cache

If you find the Plan Tracker app opens with a blank screen and a single button then it’s likely you can sort this out by clearing the cache on your phone.  The steps are outlined below. 

Here are the steps to clear your cache on an iPhone:

1. Open Settings

2. Scroll down to Select General.

3. Select iPhone Storage

4. Select the Search Icon in the top right hand corner.

5. Type Plan Tracker in the search bar and select the App.

6. Select Delete App. This is safe to do and will NOT clear all your plan and invoicing data since that’s held in the Cloud and not on your phone.

7. Once you select Delete App a pop up will appear. Select Delete App again. Again this will NOT delete your account data or documents.

8. Open the App Store App, search Plan Tracker, then select the download icon to download & reinstall the App on your device.


9. Once downloaded, select Open to login. The App will now appear on your home screen.

If you find this doesn’t solve your issue please get in contact with us on 1800 549 670 or [email protected]



Mark as Claimed

Plan Tracker makes it easy to mark when you have claimed or submitted a payment request to the NDIA.

You can Mark as Claimed support items from the Activity Home page and the Supports page.

“Mark as Claimed” from Activity screen 

Open the Activity home screen locate the support item

1. You may select multiple support items to Mark as Claimed by selecting the check box next to the items you want to mark.

2. Click the MARK SELECTED CLAIMED button

Mark as Claimed” from the Supports screen

1. Open the Supports screen and locate the support item

2. Click EDIT

3.  Scrolling to the bottom of EDIT SUPPORT screen, tick MARK CLAIMED

Mark as Paid

Plan Tracker saves you time by making it easy to mark when you have paid providers. Plan Tracker is used for record keeping once you have made the payment from your bank account or in person.

Sometime you pay directly for one support for example after attending Speech Therapy you either pay at the end of the session or receive an invoice for that one session.

You can Mark as Paid support items from either the Supports page or the Activity page.

1. Tick the relevant supports


Fill in relevant fields and continue to scroll down to click SAVE


Password Reset

It’s OK. It happens to the best of us from time to time…

If you have forgotten your password then it’s simple to set a new one.

Open up the log in screen and click the FORGOT PASSWORD link at the bottom.

Then check your email inbox for your reset email

Planning Your Spending

Planning your Spending is all about knowing how you will allocate your NDIS budget in order to meet your goals.  In other words what supports will you purchase?  How much will they cost and what money will you have remaining to use towards other supports?

Before Planning your Spending you must first have a budget entered into Plan Tracker.

It’s helpful to do some preparation before you enter your Planned Spending but don’t worry about having to have everything mapped out. Just getting started is a good first step. Have a think about the supports you require to meet your goals.

For example, my goal is to increase my mobility and so I am planning for Occupational Therapy once a fortnight at a cost of $175 per session.

If you are new to using Plan Tracker you would have seen Planned Spending just after entering your first Budget and Past Spending. If you skipped this step you can always return Planned Spending by clicking Adding More Planned Spending from the bottom of the Budget screen

To Plan Your Spending 

1. Start entering the name of the support or expenditure item you want for example, Occupational Therapy. As you are typing the drop down may predict your entry. You can select the preloaded example or continue creating your own new entry.

2. Please select which of your budgets the item will come from.

3. Who the Provider will be if you know. You may add a new provider or leave the Provider blank.

4. Enter the cost per session

5. Enter frequency or how often you will receive the support

6. Enter the dates between which you will receive the service. The dates default to Today until the Plan end date.

Your prompts to add actual supports will be based on these dates so it’s good to pick the actual starting day eg OT Thursday 30/11/2017 Weekly will generate Activity list prompts each Thursday to add an OT booking.

Suggestion – change the dates to reflect shorter planned spending eg when adding school holiday dates you might allocate an amount each week for support.

7. Clicking SAVE will allow you to add more Planned Spending items.

When you are finished click NEXT to show graphs of your planned spending compared to your total budget.

To Edit a Planned Spending Item

1. Open the Home Screen and click on Budget

2. Locate the item

3. Click EDIT next to the item you want to update.



You can keep a list of all your Providers and the people or contacts who work for each Provider.

 To add a Provider

Click on PROVIDERS screen from the bottom menu bar.

Then click on ADD PROVIDER

Enter their Provider Name. If the person is operating as a single person rather than a business simply add their name here. Add contact number and ABN if you need it.

If your provider is a larger organisation with multiple contacts (eg – Manager, Accounts, Co-Ordinator etc)

To add individual contacts by scrolling down to click the +ADD CONTACT button

You can also add their address and upload service agreement documents. 

Support - Purchases

Support Purchases allow you to record any equipment or consumable you have bought for example a shower chair or feeding products.

To Add a Purchase

1. Click on SUPPORTS from the Bottom Menu Bar


3. Enter the details picking from the drop down lists as you go.

If the provider you need isn’t listed; you can add them by clicking +Add New Provider at the bottom of your provider listing.  Complete the details you have and click SAVE to return to adding your Purchase.

4. Upload a copy of your receipt/invoice if you already have it or you can add it later.

5. There’s a NOTE section for you to record any further details relating to this purchase.  A great reference in the event that you’re audited.

6. The date will default to today. Update if you need to.

7. Add price. You can either add the actual price or if you’re not sure then click on estimated and update to actual later.


Supports - Bookings

Support Bookings are your appointments with providers. For example a therapist, support worker or group activity.

To Add a Booking

1. Click on SUPPORTS from the Bottom Menu Bar

2. Click on ADD BOOKING

3. Enter the details picking from the drop down lists as you go.

If the provider you need isn’t listed; you can add them by clicking +Add New Provider at the bottom of your provider listing.  Complete the details you have and click SAVE to return to adding your Booking.

4. Upload a copy of your receipt/invoice if you already have it or you can add it later.

5. The date and time will default to today. Update if you need to.

6. Add location if needed

7. Add price. You can either add the actual price or if you’re not sure then click on estimated and update to actual later.


Switching between Participants

Clicking on the participant icon in the top centre of the screen opens a drop down menu, listing all participants linked to your profile. 

Click on the Person whose plan you would like to manage. This will then take you to their current plan.


Viewing Expired or Past Plans

Click on the Home – Info screen and scroll to the bottom.

Click on the PLAN HISTORY button.


Self Management WEB
Generating a Report

Reports are great to have on hand, especially when you’re heading for Plan Review.

To download a report (.CSV file) of the information you have inputted into your Plan Tracker account, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the ‘Invoices’ tab on the left-hand side of the dashboard
  2. Next, click the ‘Email Report’ button that appears below the ‘Filter Search’ pane on the right side of the screen.


3. A new pop-up window will open (like below)

4. Check the box if you would like to include a .ZIP file of any documents, receipts and invoices that you have uploaded to your account

5. Finally, click ‘Email Report’ and an email will be sent to your inbox with your report (.CSV file) and the .ZIP file (if you chose to include this).

6. The export will default to the whole plan. If you would like a sub-set of your invoices, first apply a filter.

7. Select the filters you require: Paid Date, Price Range, Provider, or PRN and choose the ‘Apply Filter’ button

Note – a .CSV file is similar to a spreadsheet and is a compatible file format that can be opened with most spreadsheet programs (eg. Google Sheets, Microsoft Excel). 



Getting started with our Self-Management App

Getting started with our self-management app is quick and easy. Simply follow this link on a DESKTOP/LAPTOP computer and click the ‘Register with Email’ button (shown below) to create your new account.

You will receive a Plan Tracker Registration email to your inbox.  You must click the VERIFY button/link to activate your account.

Once you have verified your account, you can now login to begin setting up your first participant.

Choose 1 if it is only your own personal NDIS plan

Choose 2 if is not your own plan.  Instead a family member, friend or client

Choose 3 if it is both, your own plan & someone else’s

Then enter in participant details

Use the drop-down menu to choose the support areas that you’ve been allocated on your plan.

(You will find these in “Part 3 My Supports” within your NDIS plan document)

Then add the full $$ amount given under this support. Then add the full $$ amount given under this support. For Core supports total all items as one amount and select which core items you have been allocated. Later when tracking your actual supports you will be able to select the specific core support category for that support eg Assistance with Daily Life.

Have you begun to use your plan already?  This is where you enter the total amount you’ve spent, within each area.

Then you can view all your support areas in a graph format.  Showing what you’ve already spent in light green,  what your PLANNED SPENDING is in dark green.  Any remaining funds (UNASSIGNED BUDGET) is displayed as a broken green outline. 


Planning Your Spending

Planning your Spending is all about knowing how you will allocate your NDIS budget in order to meet your goals.  In other words what supports will you purchase?  How much will they cost and what money will you have remaining to use towards other supports?

Before Planning your Spending you must first have a budget entered into Plan Tracker. Please see How to Add a Budget. LINK

It’s helpful to do some preparation before you enter your Planned Spending but don’t worry about having to have everything mapped out. Just getting started is a good first step. Have a think about the supports you require to meet your goals.

For example, my goal is to increase my mobility and so I am planning for Occupational Therapy once a fortnight at a cost of $175 per session.

If you are new to using Plan Tracker you would have seen Planned Spending just after entering your first Budget and Past Spending. If you skipped this step you can always return Planned Spending by Adding a Planned Spending Item from the dashboard

To Plan your Spending 

Start entering the name of the support or expenditure item you want for example, Occupational Therapy. As you are typing the drop down may predict your entry. You can select the preloaded example or continue creating your own new entry.

Please select which of your budget the item will come from. Who the Provider will be if you know, the cost per session, how often and the dates between which you will receive the service.

Clicking SAVE will show a graph of your Planned Spend compared to your total budget.

To Edit a Planned Spending Item

1. Open the Home Screen and click on Budget

2. Click on the budget graph you would like to edit the Planned Spending for. Click until you see the list of Planned Spending items.

3. Click EDIT next to the item you want to update.

Adding a Team Member

Adding a team member allows you to share your NDIS plan and budgets within the Plan Tracker app, with trusted contacts. For example, you may wish to add a family member, your support coordinator or a trusted support worker.

*Note – we highly recommend anyone you invite to your team is a trusted contact, as they will have access to your personal & plan information.  

How to Invite a Team Member

  1. Login to your Plan Tracker account and click on the ‘+ADD’ button next to the participant name in the top left of your account.
  2. Then select the ‘+ INVITE TO TEAM’ option. This will open a pop-up window.

3. Enter the details of the person you’d like to add to your account

4. Tick the checkbox if you’d like them to receive a weekly email summary of your account (called ‘Week at a Glance’)

5. Decide whether this team member will have read or write access
*Note – If you’d like someone to help you manage the information within your Plan Tracker account, set their account to ‘write’ access. For anyone that you’d like to have access to simply view the information within your Plan Tracker account, set their account to ‘read’ access. 

6. Click ‘SEND INVITE’ to save.

7. An email invitation will be sent to the new team member, inviting them to join your account.

*You can resend an invitation to join your team to your contact, if they haven’t accepted it yet, by navigating to the ‘Team’ section of your account and clicking the ‘Resend Invitation’ button below their details. 

Edit Your Budgets

You can find your budget categories in “Part 3 My Supports” of your NDIS Plan Document.  If you realise you need to correct your Support Budgets after first entering them into Plan Tracker, you can edit from your Dashboard screen.

1. Click on ‘Your Details’

2. Click on EDIT BUDGET

This will take you to the original screen where you allocated these budgets.


Mark as Paid

Plan Tracker saves you time by making it easy to mark when you have paid providers.

You can MARK PAID support items from either the Dashboard or the Supports Page.

1. On the Dashboard, tick the box on which items you’ve paid


Complete all the relevant fields and click SAVE

Open the Support page and locate the support item on your invoice



4. Select how you paid via the drop down arrows

5. if only this item is included in your invoice then click SAVE PAYMENT

Complete all the relevant fields and click SAVE

“Mark as Paid” for multiple support items 

Sometimes Providers will include a number of support items in one invoice. For example if you receive a number of services from a support worker the Provider may issue a fortnightly invoice with each of those support visits included.

On the Supports page, click Add Invoice/Receipt

1. Choose the provider from a drop-down menu

2. Click +Link Existing Support to this Invoice   (OR + Add new Support)

1. Tick the supports which are included on the invoice



Adding a New Plan


When your plan has come to an end or you are preparing for review it’s helpful to be able to add your new plan.

Click on your Details to open the top drop down menu on the right hand side of your screen, then click Plans List to see past, current and future plans.  Please note plan dates may not overlap and you may need to change your old plan end date first (click on EDIT PLAN – to the right of the red circle marked below).

Add your dates and upload your pdf or images of your plan. Clicking Add Plan will take you through the process of adding your budgets and planned spending. 



You can keep a list of all your Providers and the people or contacts who work for each Provider.

To add a Provider

1. Click on the button at the top of the screen from Dashboard

2. Then click on +PROVIDER.  This will open an Add Provider screen. You only have to enter a Provider Company Name to save but you can add extra details if you want to.

3. Enter the Provider Name. If the person is operating as a single person rather than a business simply add their name here.

4. Add contact number and ABN if you need it.

5. You can then add each of the contacts you work with from that Provider for example the accounts, support workers or managers.

6. To add an extra contact please click the +ADD CONTACT button

7. You can also add the company address

8. Upload service agreement documents

9. Click ADD PROVIDER when finished

The Dashboard

Each time you log in to Plan Tracker, it will open to the Dashboard screen.

The Budgets Column displays a separate bar graph for each support area.

The Planned Spending data can be edited or updated.

The Activity Column is generated from what you’ve already listed in Planned Spending.  Think of it as your to-do list.  Plan Tracker scans for the current date and then lists the supports that you’d expected to use by that date.

Supports - Bookings

Support Bookings are your appointments with providers. For example a therapist, support worker or group activity.

1. On the Support screen, click on the +ADD

2. Click +BOOKING

Enter the details picking from the drop down lists as you go.

If the provider or contact you need isn’t listed you can add them to Plan Tracker by clicking on the + Create Provider in the drop down list. Complete the details you have and click SAVE to return to adding your Support.

Upload a copy of your receipt/invoice if you already have it or you can add it later.

The date and time will default to today. Update if you need to.

Add location if needed



Recording your PRN (Payment Request Number)

The Payment Request Number (PRN) is the number receipt number generated by the NDIA portal; once you’ve submitted a claim.

In Plan Tracker, there are 2 ways to record this number.

1 – 2. On the Dashboard, when adding a new SUPPORT

3. Scrolling to the bottom of the page, tick MARK CLAIMED

4. Record the PRN in the field before clicking ADD SUPPORT

Secondly, while adding the invoice

  1. Click the +ADD button on the top left and select ‘Add Invoice/Receipt’
  2. Enter your invoice information and ‘link existing support to this invoice’ or ‘add a new support (blank)’
  3. Tick the ‘Mark Claimed’ box, then the ‘Date Claimed’ and ‘Payment Request Number (PRN)’ fields will appear.
  4. Select the date you claimed this invoice/support and enter your PRN (this is the number provided in the NDIS portal when you submit a claim)
  5. Click the ‘SAVE’ button to save this information.

*Note – you can link multiple supports to a single invoice & record a PRN for each support.


Switching between Participants

Clicking on the profile picture on the top left corner opens a list of all your available participants.

Simply click on the profile picture of the Person whose plan you would like to manage.


Viewing Expired or Past Plans

On the Dashboard screen

1. Click on the +DETAILS button

2. Click on PLAN LIST

Click VIEW for the plan you wish to see.

Password Reset

It’s OK. It happens to the best of us from time to time…

If you have forgotten your password then it’s simple to set a new one.

Open up the log in screen and click the FORGOT PASSWORD link at the bottom.

Then check your email inbox for your reset email


Mark as Claimed

Plan Tracker makes it easy to mark when you have claimed or submitted a payment request to the NDIA.

There are 2 ways to MARK AS CLAIMED

1 – 2. When adding a new support item from the Dashboard or the Supports Page.

3.  At the bottom of the ADD SUPPORT screen, tick the box MARK CLAIMED

4. There is a field to record the Payment Request Number PRN, which the portal gives you once a claim as been lodged

Or you can …

1. From the Dashboard, tick the support item which has been claimed on the NDIA portal



Adding a New Participant

Clicking on the menu on the top left corner opens a drop down menu of all the people whose plans you manage.

Below the list is the button to ADD PARTICIPANT

You will then be guided through the same setup process as when you first started using Plan Tracker.

You will receive the first month subscription free for each new participant. You may use the same credit card as you already have registered or you may add a different credit card. This is especially helpful if you have a separate card for each person’s NDIA bank account.

Edit Your Plan Dates

If you realise you need to correct your Plan Dates after first entering them into Plan Tracker, e.g. if you have had a plan extension, or made a mistake, you can edit from your Dashboard screen.

1. Click on ‘Your Details’

2. Click on EDIT PLAN

This will open a pop up window, with your current plan dates. Click in each box to edit your start or end dates as needed.

3. For a plan extension or plan rollover, just edit the End Date.

4. Then click on the ‘Edit Plan’ button to save your new dates.

How to Archive Providers in the Self Managed App

If you are no longer using a provider and wish to remove them from your list of active providers, you can archive the record.

  1. Select Providers from the side menu.
  2. Select the Archive button on the right.

Terms & Conditions
How to Download an NDIS Plan

What our customers say

“I’m lost without Plan Tracker. Thank you so much for everything for making my NDIS life easy to understand. I’m new with NDIS and got lots of questions and sometimes I’ve got silly ones but I didn’t feel I was being ignored, they always respond to any of my queries. Thank you guys. Highly recommended.”

“We’re only a couple of months into our first NDIS plan and grateful to have found Plan Tracker. Another vote for Plan Tracker.”

“Plan Tracker are fantastic. Amazing customer service and awesome support. Their terrific team is truly wonderful…”

“I use Plan Tracker. So easy.”

“I’m so excited to have you as our Plan Manager. It’s nice to know you get excited over new price guides and then you can explain them to me!”