A guide to adaptive and accessible sports
Engaging in sports and recreational activities is well known for its benefits to our physical, mental, and social well-being. For anyone living with disability, the accessibility of sports has significantly improved, offering numerous opportunities to get active and...
Christmas holiday care
For some, Christmas is an exciting and happy time and for others, it can be stressful and difficult, for all sorts of reasons. Christmas-time can have added stressors and can be an artificial deadline to ‘get things finished’. Before we head in to some tips, including...
Important update about claiming Short Term Accommodation (STA)
If your child has NDIS funding for early childhood intervention, therapy supports or behaviour support, this booklet will help you understand whether your provider uses quality practices. You can download it...
Update to meal preparation and delivery rules
If your child has NDIS funding for early childhood intervention, therapy supports or behaviour support, this booklet will help you understand whether your provider uses quality practices. You can download it...